Saturday, November 14, 2009

Art Dump

Pictures Pictures Pictures. I'm all about brush & ink lately.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I painted this today, and I'm quite happy with it. Drawing straight onto the computer is not my forte, but this one turned out pretty well.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hey its a picture.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Doodles from yesterday.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Cute movie. Very enjoyable. Everyone should go see it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tulip Hat

I love cheap art supplies. Whenever I have high quality paper or paints or anything I'm always stressed out about wasting it on an awful drawing. Today I got a big brick of watercolour paper and an assortment of puck paints for $12 and I'm actually far happier with them than my fancy paints because I don't feel bad about throwing blobs of colour onto scribbley pen doodles.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Carmen Sandiego

Since graduating I haven't been drawing as much as I probably should. In an attampt to get back into it a little, here is one of my many childhood heros. She stole half of the fish from Lake Titicaca one time. Thats pretty cool.

Monday, June 15, 2009


So my computer blew up last week. No fun. Since then Alex and I have had to share one. Sharing a computer sucks, but he has a much nicer tablet than mine. So in celebration of stealing your boyfriends stuff, here is the painting I did this morning. It's a revamped version of a painting I did on cardboard many years ago.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


My parents got a new dog recently. Whenever anyone touches her she collapses onto her back. She is a spaz, but I like her.

Also, I went to the zoo the other week! So in celebration of that here's a made up species of lemur.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Eight months, and its done. There's a lot of stuff that I'm really unhappy with in there, particularly in the animation and timing, but oh well. Learning experiences and all that. I took a hit on quality to be sure that I'd make my deadlines. I'm just happy that its done, and happy that I've graduated. But now I know that I can make a film and actually get it finished, so now I'm on on to bigger and better projects.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New stuff!

Now that I've graduated (aah!) I want to get back into comicking. Here's some rough character scribbles for a couple new projects.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The film is done!

My film is finished. Finally. Eventually I'll upload it to youtube, but not until I figure out what I'm doing with it in terms of festivals.
In celebration, here is a picture.

Everyones drawing them, and now, so have I.

Now that I'm graduating I'd like to get in the habit of updating more frequently, like I used to back in the time before animation school. Here's hoping.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy 2009!

So heres the deal, I haven't been posting anything new because I've been animating like a crazy person trying to get my film done. So instead of showing off lovely pictures, heres some film stuff.